Application to Join BioInnovation Lab

Your idea + BioInnovation Lab = Sustainable Results

Venture Information

How long have you been working on this idea?*
With what industry does your venture most closely align? *
Do you require wet lab space for your venture? *
Do you require storage space larger than a file cabinet for your venture?*

Market Opportunity

Are you for-profit or non-profit? *

Progress to Date

How far along are you in developing your venture’s product/offering?*
How much funding have you received to date? *
Have you participated in any other startup incubator or accelerator programs for this venture? *

Biographic Background Information

Name of Lead Team Member*
Will the Team Lead work at the Bio-Innovation Lab on a regular basis (at least 1 day/week)?*


How long do you see yourself utilizing this workspace? *
How many employees do you expect to have in one year? *
How often will you be needing a conference room? *
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